


Life Group (Diamond Creek - Wednesday evening)

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7:45 PM @ Contact Living Faith Church for specific address detailsLife Group

Living Faith Church Life Groups aim to help us learn and live out God’s word in our lives. They also help us to support and encourage one another in our everyday lives through prayer and other practical ways. 

Every week, many different groups of people from our community meet up. Talking about life, studying the bible, debating and discussing ideas – or maybe all of that and more. Each Life Group is organised and run independently to suit their preferences. Throughout the year, we suggest study series that groups may like to use that tie in with the sermon series.

Living Faith Church currently has 6 Life Groups running during school terms:

  • Monday afternoon (a home group)
  • Tuesday evening (a home group)
  • Wednesday evening (a home group)
  • Wednesday evening (a home group)
  • Wednesday evening (an online group via Zoom)
  • Thursday afternoon (at church)

If you would like to join us, contact Living Faith Church or come along to our Sunday morning service and talk with one of our friendly and welcoming members who greets you as you come in.

Location Upcoming Dates



Start / End Time

Life Group

Wednesday, 11 September, 2024

7:45 PM / 9:30 PM



Start / End Time

Life Group

Wednesday, 18 September, 2024

7:45 PM / 9:30 PM



Start / End Time

Life Group

Wednesday, 25 September, 2024

7:45 PM / 9:30 PM